Creative writing - 7 tips to help you improve your process

Even if you're confident in your writing, always remember: Writing is rewriting and everyone can always improve

Creative writing - 7 tips to help you improve your process

Content marketing is comprised of many different areas of focus. With so many growth hacks, automation, and quick-win strategies, marketers are often left going from one to the other in search of a solution.

However, there's one thing nothing can beat:

The quality of the uniquely written word!

Even if you're confident in your writing, always remember:

Writing is rewriting and everyone can always improve

There has been plenty of advice shared about writing through history, but let's start off with a quote from the famous English novelist George Orwell:

A scrupulous writer, in every sentence that he writes, will ask himself at least four questions:

1. What am I trying to say?
2. What words will express it?
3. What image or idiom will make it clearer?
4. Is this image fresh enough?

Keeping these questions in mind before you start writing will make the writing process much easier. Answer them as precisely and concisely as possible as you write your answers down.

When you do that, pay attention to the following points:

1. Choose one key topic to focus on

Choose a topic you find interesting and important to write about. Only in this way, you’ll be able to reach the target audience. Readers are skilled and very capable of recognizing whether a writer has written with passion or not. Don't underestimate them.

2. Come up with a powerful title

The perfect headline is short, accurate, and attention-grabbing. If your headline can’t convince people to read, you’re done. That may sound cruel, but it is the reality.

3. Think about your audience

Although it seems that something like this is impossible, try to put yourself in the role of your readers. Try to judge whether your topic will interest them from the title itself.

4. Be unique, be memorable

,,Being unique is better than being perfect.’’

When we say memorable, we mean a unique and recognizable writing style. Once the reader recognizes the individual tone that is unique to you, they will keep coming back.

5. Do your research

Although it’s in fifth place, it doesn’t mean that it’s any less important. Always research the topic you’re writing about, refer to relevant sources and support your claims with examples. Also, you should link to other, non-competing websites that contain original, authoritative information.

6. Pay attention to spelling and grammar

This part is neglected by many. I'm not sure what the reason for the sloppiness is, but I'm sure that legible and spelling-correct texts keep readers.

7. "Writing is rewriting"

As I mentioned at the beginning, writing always requires correction and there’s no reason to stress about it. Sometimes it is better to revisit a text after several days. This allows us to go over it once more with a fresh pair of eyes and make the necessary tweaks and changes.

Finally, I would like to add one more thing. Always support your texts visually: with pictures, statistics, and surveys.

Today's readers need it, whether we like it or not.

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