Credible Writing - Essential tips for backing your claims

Supporting evidence is the pillar of credibility for your argument or claim. Without it, you risk appearing ill-informed and weakening your stance.

Credible Writing - Essential tips for backing your claims

In a world where opinions run wild and information overload is the norm, it's crucial to arm yourself with the most potent weapon in a writer's arsenal: solid evidence.

Whether you're crafting a scholarly masterpiece, a captivating persuasive piece, or even a humble blog post, backing up your claims with reliable evidence is a must. Not only does it strengthen your arguments, but it also adds credibility to your writing.

Let's dive in!

Why is supporting evidence crucial?

Supporting evidence is the pillar of credibility for your argument or claim. Without it, you risk appearing ill-informed and weakening your stance. Just like a building lacking a solid foundation, an argument without evidence collapses.

Have you ever found yourself engaged in a debate with a friend, where a quick Google search could settle the dispute? Or perhaps you've challenged someone with a simple, "Prove it," when they make a claim. These instances highlight the universal desire for evidence. Unless we have concrete proof, we refuse to accept statements at face value.

This holds true for your readers as well.

When crafting an essay or research paper, your audience seeks convincing and credible writing. To achieve the goal, the incorporation of evidence becomes an absolute necessity. It is through evidence's persuasive force that your arguments gain the power to sway and persuade.

What is strong evidence?

When it comes to strong evidence, there are several key criteria to consider:

  • Relevance - it should be directly related to the topic you're addressing in your content
  • Credibility of the source - originating from a trustworthy and reputable source is key
  • Corroboration - ideally, it should be supported by multiple sources to enhance its validity
  • Currency of information - in most cases, it is crucial to be current, reflecting the latest information and research
  • Specificity - the evidence should be precise, avoiding generalizations to strengthen its impact

When incorporating evidence into your writing, it's crucial to remember that each piece requires a thorough explanation. Instead of letting your readers wonder, ask these questions:

  • What does the information imply?
  • How does it connect to your claim or thesis?
  • Why does this evidence truly matter?

If you can't provide clear answers to these inquiries, it's a sign that your argument may be weakened. In such cases, seeking alternative evidence that will better support and strengthen your stance is always wise alternative evidence.

Remember, compelling explanations behind your evidence serve as the backbone of a strong and persuasive argument.

Strong evidence: Statistics, Studies, Quotes, Case Studies, Published research papers or articles
Statistics, Studies, Quotes, Case Studies, Published research papers or Articles

Seeking evidence from reliable sources

We previously highlighted the importance of strong evidence originating from credible sources. However, determining the credibility of a source can be challenging.

After all, inaccurate information from unreliable sources goes viral on social media all the time.

To mitigate this issue, it is recommended to utilize academic databases and search engines that filter out untrustworthy sources. Additionally, cross-referencing information from multiple sources can validate it.

When unsure about a source's credibility, employing the RADCAB acronym can help source evaluation. RADCAB represents a set of criteria to assess source reliability and it contains of:

  • Relevancy
  • Appropriateness
  • Detail
  • Currency
  • Authority
  • Bias

Here’s a closer look at each criterion:


When diving into your writing, it's crucial to ensure that the information you gather is not only relevant but also laser-focused on your topic or question.

To achieve this, use specific search terms that yield facts brimming with maximum relevance. But here's the secret ingredient: truly grasp the meaning of the evidence you find.


Because it's all too easy to accidentally include off-topic or irrelevant evidence if you're not fully tuned in. Stay sharp, stay on point, and watch your writing thrive.


It's crucial to find the perfect fit.

Imagine using a quote from a fictional novel to support a research paper—it would be like wearing a ball gown to a soccer match!

As a writer, it's key to start your research with a clear idea of what types of sources will best support your topic. Should you be looking for peer-reviewed scientific studies, primary sources, historical documents, or perhaps expert interviews?

Knowing the answer to this question from the outset will help you narrow your search and find the most valuable evidence for your piece.


When evaluating a source's quality, look for comprehensive coverage that delves deeply into your research topic. Take a thorough look at the website's sitemap, in-text citations, Works Cited, titles, subheadings, and graphics to gauge whether it offers detailed and in-depth information.

Remember, specific details hold more weight than general information, so prioritize sources that provide specific insights.


Always consider the date of publication or update when evaluating your sources.

While older sources can be suitable for certain types of research, such as historical research, it's generally recommended to prioritize current and up-to-date evidence. For instance, when writing about a contemporary medical topic, citing a study from 1993 wouldn't be ideal.

Stay current to ensure the relevance and accuracy of your information.


It's essential to look beyond evaluating the information itself. It's essential to also assess the expertise of the author, organization, website, or company.

Take a moment to ask yourself if they are qualified to educate others on the topic at hand. Ask yourself what credentials they possess.

By considering the background and expertise of the source, you can ensure that the information you include in your writing comes from reliable and knowledgeable individuals or entities.


Maintaining a balanced and unbiased approach to writing is necessary.

To achieve this, be cautious when selecting sources to avoid biased information. Biased sources often have underlying motives, agendas, or angles that may compromise your paper's objectivity. Pay attention to the tone, website name, author, and mission statement to identify any potential biases.

Cross-referencing information from other sources can ensure a well-rounded and impartial perspective in your writing.

What makes Collabwriting the go-to choice for collecting and assessing information?

As we've delved into the art of incorporating evidence to build trust with readers, it's equally important to understand why writing teams are drawn to Collabwriting for their research endeavors.

Well, picture this: a team of talented writers, researchers, and subject matter experts, all working together in perfect harmony, fueled by shared knowledge and real-time collaboration. That's the power of Collabwriting.

Collabwriting - Shareable Notes on Web Pages

Collabwriting allows you to gather all your online sources in one place. Just highlight, save, and collaborate with anyone on any content you find online.

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It creates an environment where teams combine their unique perspectives and expertise seamlessly during the research process.

Collabwriting transforms the research journey into an exciting adventure, as teams exchange ideas, share valuable resources, and collectively evaluate potential evidence sources. It's like having a brainstorming session that never ends, with a constant flow of inspiration and insights from every team member.

The time of fragmented information and isolated efforts has ended. With Collabwriting, teams can centralize research materials, eliminating tedious individual searches.

The result?

A collection of well-selected evidence that's thorough, clear, and convincing.

By choosing Collabwriting, teams unlock the true potential of collaboration. This enables them to amplify their research prowess and deliver content that truly resonates with their audience.

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